
綠島就在台東坐船大約一小時的地方. 離開了台灣本島, 綠島真的是個非常漂亮的地方. 雖來同樣與位於San Francisco 舊金山的Alcatraz Island 惡魔島監獄有異曲同工之妙, 在我認為綠島的風景確是惡魔島不能比的.

I visited this beautiful island in this April (year 2011) to obtain my skuba diving certificate. I was amazed by the beautiful water and scenery both above and under the sea. 

Most of people ride scooters to commute since it's fairly easy to rent one at any shops. It's about USD 6-10/day. Green Island is an ideal spot for water activities. Most of people go skuba-diving or snorkeling. Although I haven't skuba-diving in Kenting or other places in Taiwan, I heard Green island has the best view. (And yes I did see A LOT OF fishes and one Turtle!)
Diving is not a problem on the island, most of the restaurants are for tourists with reasonable prices. Food is not particularly impressive but there's a 7-11 convenient store on the island. In case some of you have never been to Taiwan, I'd like to tell you that 7-11 is one miracle in Taiwan you can basically find everything you need there, including a nice meal. 




As to lodging, there're a lot of B&B on the island but You shouldn't expect too much from these B&B. The overall quality in terms of condition and room comfort is probably just 2 star (out of 5). Lodging should be about USD 30-50/night. 


IMG_4176.JPG美麗的綠島騎車大概只要1.5小時就可以優閒的走走停停繞完整個島嶼. 因為我是去拿潛水OW執照的,所以沒有特別去參加當地的活動. 只趁著第一天有空走走拍照. 綠島真的很美!

我住的是美人魚安排的住宿. 是哪種走進去房間還有一家人在旁邊看電視的那種民宿. 房間還算乾淨, 但廁所燈光有點昏暗還有十幾隻小飛蚊. 負責清掃的老闆娘有幫忙抓,不過還是太多抓不完@@. 建議是: 把自己弄到累到炸掉,一進房間躺上床睡著就沒事了!!

吃的東西, 雖然島嶼上有很多餐廳, 但我自己覺得食物不能算美味. 價格還算公道. 不行的話,去綠島上唯一一家的7-11準錯不了!


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